ANJ398S Speaker giving a talk to audience in a conference hall; ISMPP Europe 2024 concept

Conference Preview: ISMPP Europe 2024

The 2024 European meeting of the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals takes place January 23 and 24, 2024, at Novotel London West. 

This year’s theme is “Innovation: The New Tradition.” Registration is open until January 9, 2024. The event promises a host of helpful sessions and networking opportunities across Europe. Here are some of our can’t-miss events during ISMPP Europe 2024.

Tuesday, January 23

Registration opens at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 23. Registration remains open all day, allowing attendees to check in at a time that works best for them.

At 8 a.m., a special satellite session titled “Integrating AI in Medical Communications: Building Trust, Understanding and Adoption” will take place in the Mouton Cadet Suite. This session requires an additional registration fee, and space is limited. Video will be recorded, however. 

The Exhibit Hall on the Champagne Terrace opens at 9 a.m., and at 10 a.m. the conference officially opens with a welcome session and remarks from ISMPP’s president. 

After this, head to a 10:35 a.m. session titled “Medcomms 2030: A Blue Sky and Black Cloud Perspective,” hosted by moderator Jocelyn Woodcock, SVP and Senior Medical Director at Caudex. Panel participants include James Dathan, Global Publications Manager at AstraZeneca, and Bethany Whalley, Senior Scientific Publications Manager at Novo Nordisk.

Once you’ve enjoyed a networking lunch and tour of the exhibit space, 16 separate roundtable sessions kick off at 1:25 p.m.. These roundtables focus on various topics proposed by ISMPP members, and many offer CMPP credits. 

A sampling of roundtable topics for January 23 include:

  • Where Are the Data? A Shared View on Data Sharing.
  • Tackling Author Challenges in the Changing World of Publications.
  • Transforming the Traditional Scientific Platform to Be Fit for the Future.
  • AI: The Next Breakthrough for Medical Communications? 

Don’t see a roundtable that speaks to you? Use this time to join a guided poster tour or a workshop titled “What’s a ‘Good’ Journal Anyway?,” both hosted in the Mouton Cadet Suite.

Starting at 3:30 p.m., reconvene for two sessions in the Cremant Room, followed by a poster and networking session on the Champagne Terrace.

Audience applauding at conference; ISMPP Europe 2024 concept 

Wednesday, January 24

Both registration and the exhibit hall open at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, January 24. 

At 9 a.m., speakers Petrina Stevens, Global Patient Engagement Director at CVRM, AstraZeneca and Andrew Xia, Global Medical Evidence Lead at Takeda, offer a session titled “From Blue Sky to Bottom Line: Getting Innovation Off the Ground.” 

Two more sessions are also scheduled at 9 a.m. They include a panel titled “Stakeholder Compensation for Servicers in the Evolving Publications Landscape, hosted by moderator Geraldine Drevon, Director and Publication Lead at GSK. They also include “Making an Impact: What Does Success Look Like in Publications?,” moderated by Belinda Dean, Medical Business Director at 3 Stories High.

After the morning break for networking and exhibits, join one of three “sprint activities” focusing on various aspects of publications. These events lead to a walking lunch in the exhibit hall. In the afternoon, check out information on members’ research, learn more about publication extenders, or explore the world of medical communications and generative AI.

The conference ends with closing remarks and announcement of the raffle results and poster awards. This final event begins at 3:40 p.m. on Wednesday in Cremant.

Meet Anju at Booth 10 to Streamline Your Medical Communication Process

We are looking forward to seeing you in London next month and to learn more about innovating the medical publication process. Discover how we can help your organization streamline your entire medical communication process with Pubstrat MAX, Anju’s Scientific Publications and Medical Communications Management solution. Visit us at booth 10 or make an appointment with our Medical Affairs experts, Steve Anzuini or Greg Davies.

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