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Notable Speakers: DIA Medical Information Conference

The Drug Information Association (DIA) is one of the top member-driven organizations in the field of life sciences. This organization puts together several events throughout the year, including meetings with leading medical information professionals. On October 5-6, 2022, one such gathering is occurring in Barcelona, Spain: the Medical Information and Communications Conference. This is the premier opportunity to engage and exchange with the biggest medical information community in Europe.


Learn more about this conference and the environment it provides for open discussions, healthy debate, lessons, and case studies related to the medical information field.

About the Event

This conference is ideal for leaders in medical information services, but also medical affairs professionals, medical information specialists, and medical communications specialists. Global, national, and regional leaders are all welcome to attend. The conference is an opportunity to better understand industry challenges at a large scale and how they are affected at regional and local levels. You’ll gain a unique perspective that contributes to discussions to move the field forward.

Throughout the two days, attendees can participate in several sessions related to the field of medical information. You can learn about change management and new innovations in the field. Along with listening to top influencers, the event allows you to meet with exhibitors and vendors who provide services to the medical information industry.

Information sharing doesn’t stop once the day’s presentations are over. Outside of the general conference events, there are several periods of time set aside for networking. Attendees can talk through multiple coffee breaks and attend a networking reception and dinner on the first night.

This conference is particularly important following the COVD-19 pandemic. It is an opportunity for professionals to connect in person and have meaningful conversations in small groups. As one previous attendee puts it: “Medical information is even more necessary in times of uncertainty, and this event is essential to stay up-to-date, learn from each other, and stay at the forefront of our professional role.”

Top Presentations to Attend

There is a lot of valuable information that will be shared over the course of this two-day conference. While every session is valuable, there are a few key speakers you should look out for. These are notable leaders eager to provide detailed insights and ideas with the medical information community. Get to know some of the presenters and panelists so you can structure each day accordingly.

Change Management in Practice

Wednesday, October 5
9:30 – 10:45 a.m.

The first session to attend following the start of the conference discusses change management in the medical information field. There are two session chairs leading the discussion with speakers sharing their insights into how change management moves the industry forward.

The first speaker is Elena Molina, the senior manager of medical communications at Amgen. She will be sharing the results of the first edition of a medical information university expert course in Spain. This underlines the demand for increased knowledge sharing in the medical information field. When new employees are better prepared to step into their roles, they can make effective changes sooner.

Molina will be presenting alongside Chedia Abdelkafi, who is a medical information excellence lead at UCB. Abdelkafi notes how thrilled she is to contribute to the ever-changing ecosystem of medical information. As this field continues to evolve, she strives to contribute positively to the transformation from both an organizational standpoint and from a patient impact perspective. She will be discussing change management as a critical success factor of end-to-end medical information transformation.

Innovating Medical Information

Wednesday, October 5
11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

The next session highlights innovations in the field of medical information while also discussing the storytelling aspects that come with change. Clear communication and implementation are essential when improving processes, which is why this conference features a diverse panel of speakers to discuss innovation from an end-to-end perspective.

One speaker at this session is María Delgado Catrain, a medical information manager at Meisys. She will be focusing on the correct usage of customer relationship management for medical inquiries traceability. She has been in the field for about five years and continues to provide valuable insights and ideas to the medical information industry.

Another interesting voice to hear during this session is Nick Lester from A Life in a Day. This company provides immersive simulations in which you become a patient and work through the challenges and choices they face when navigating the medical field. The goal of this organization is to ensure companies build policies and practices that are patient-first. Every new process should make it easier for patients to seek out care, which will drive other aspects of your business forward.

Digital and Technological Developments in Medical Information

Wednesday, October 5
1:45 – 3:00 p.m.

The final session to attend on the first day covers digital and technological developments in medical information. Technology is constantly evolving which means medical information teams and the coworkers they engage with need to understand the new tools and systems that are available to them.

Anika Filandri will be speaking during this session. She is the global medical information manager at the Chiesi Group, the largest international pharmaceutical group to be awarded B Corp Certification, a recognition of high social and environmental standards. Filandri will cover artificial intelligence and insights generation, or how AI can drive the field of medical affairs forward.

Digital Delivery of Medical Information

Thursday, October 6
10:40 a.m. – noon

The first structured session on the second day (after one for open-mic comments) covers the digital delivery of medical information in the present and in the future. How have companies adapted to digital communication and how will they need to evolve in the coming years?

Anuska Bidjai-Mahabir, a senior medical information specialist at Pfizer Netherlands, is one speaker at this presentation. She will be speaking about how digital solutions provide medical information resources for customers through a COVID-19 lens. The specific focus is on the COVID-19 Antiviral DDI Tool and its impact on the pandemic.

Other speakers will also share insight into the future of digital communication and tools that can be used to optimize these processes.


How to Increase Awareness of the Value Provided by MedInfo

Thursday October 6
1:00 – 2:15 p.m.

The final session before the conference wraps up features how medical information specialists can highlight the value they provide to the organizations and clients they work with. The medical information field is incredibly valuable, but not everyone fully understands and appreciates this field. This leaves medical affairs and information professionals advocating for themselves along with their processes and patients.

One notable speaker who will be presenting at this session is Rashel Wilson, a global medical information metrics and training lead at Biogen. Wilson plans to focus on driving stakeholder engagement through data. With the help of clear data, teams can point to the value of medical information and take steps to grow their staff sizes and budgetary resources.

This session is a fantastic way to end the conference and understand the value you provide as a professional in the medical information field.

Visit Us There

Dan McElwain, Medical Affairs Director of Business Development at Anju, will be in Barcelona. If you are attending, please visit booth #4 to discuss our Medical Affairs product suite and world-class customer experience.

If you are interested in growing your knowledge of the medical affairs field or networking with professionals in your industry, registrations are still open. The standard registration cost for non-members is €1,700 with an option to attend virtually for €1,530. There are also discounts for members, people attending in groups, and those working in government or academia. Register today.


Images by: kasto/©, stockbroker/©, LinkedIn Sales SolutionsThe Climate Reality Project

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