Clinical Trial Technology

Anju at DIA China: Utilizing Clinical Trial Technology

eClinical Software and Data Solutions

Anju Software and our partner Tri-I Biotech are proud to sponsor the DIA China 2021 Meeting. Visit booth A16+17 in hall C3 to learn more about our adaptive eClinical software and data solutions that can help reduce your study timelines and save costs. Feng Cheng, Senior Vice President of Business Development Asia Pacific at Anju Software, and his team will be glad to give you a demo of our tools.

Register and Join Us

We would welcome the opportunity to meet with you at our booth for a conversation about Anju Software’s adaptive, easy to use, e Clinical solutions suite that can help support the continued growth of your clinical pipeline, as we have done for other life science companies delivering life-saving therapies to patients around the world. Drop by our double booth A16+17 in hall C3 or make an appointment with our Business Development team here.

About DIA China Annual Meeting 2021

DIA China Annual Meeting, which includes the whole chain of drug R&D and focuses on clinical and regulatory science, has become the most important opportunity to exchange ideas and practices, expand networks and display products and services in China’s healthcare community during the past 12 years. The 2021 DIA China Meeting will remain the key focuses on Regulatory Innovation, Science & Technology Innovation, and Talent Innovation to forward looking the dual trends of globalization and localization of drug development and innovation. Check out the meeting program here.

We look forward to seeing you in Suzhou. Register here to join us.

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