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DMB Conference in Paris This November: Celebrating 25 Years

The French Association of Biomedical Data Management (DMB) has been a leading professional organization for the pharmaceutical industry since 1995. It aims to bring together data management leaders and CROs from across Europe and beyond. The DMB group is led by 14 individuals elected to two-year terms on a volunteer basis. There is an annual general assembly to discuss trends, regulations, and news related to data management in the pharmaceutical field. This conference kicks off this month.

Consider attending the DMB conference if you want to connect with other data management and CRO experts. Read on to learn more about the event, the speakers, and the topics covered.

About the DMB Conference
The 2022 conference for the DMB is on Tuesday, November 22 at the International House of the Cité Universitaire Internationale de Paris. This is a landmark event for the DMB, marking the 25th anniversary of the annual conference. After the meetings, guests are invited to a musical evening celebrating a quarter-century of professional community building with data managers and CROs.

Tickets are still available for the conference depending on how you plan to attend. DMB members only need to pay €100 while non-members pay €250. There is a special price of €166 for non-members who would like to attend the conference and join the DMB at the same time. (There is also a special €35 rate for students.)

There are two main themes for the 2022 conference:

Real World Data and Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCT).
Definition, State of the Art, and Role of Data Management and Data Manager.
Speakers will touch on a variety of topics, including the evolution of decentralized trials (particularly in a post-COVID world) and what these trials mean for data managers. There will be discussions on hybrid data with real-world data case studies. Additionally, speakers will address regulatory challenges of these main themes.


Can’t-Miss Sessions at the DMB Conference
It’s impressive how many sessions this organization can fit into one day. Here are a few can’t-miss speakers and discussions scheduled at the French Association of Biomedical Data Management Conference to mark on your calendars.

Session 1: Direct to Patient 9:05 a.m.

Implementation of Combined Conventional and Digitalized Solutions for an Adaptive Investigation Conduct
The International Clinical Trials Association (ICTA) has sent four representatives to open the conference this year. The first session will be a panel discussion on combining conventional clinical trial best practices with digital solutions. This is a key issue for many CROs who are looking to the future while contending with the resources and environment they currently have. The speakers in this panel are:

Maria Gackiere, ICTA MW.
Jean-Paul Tran, clinical data manager at ICTA PM.
Jérôme Zakka Bajjani, medical operations lead at HRA Pharma.
Joséphine Flament, associate lawyer at Cabinet Beslay.
Session 2: Regulations 11:45 a.m.

Feedback From a GCP Inspector
Lisbeth Bregnhøj, a GCP medicines inspector with the Danish Medicines Agency, will share her perspectives and best practices for effective clinical trials. CROs and clinical trial designers often feel at odds with inspectors; however, by working alongside them and understanding what they look for — and why — trial developers and data managers can get better results.

This session should help attendees better understand the GCP process so they can improve their own trial processes.

Session 3: Real World Data 2:15 p.m.

Optimization of the Selection of Study Sites by Aggregating Public and Private Data Sources
This session is presented by Marta Plana Ramón, director of Operations at Anju Software, along with Jean Marc Gaertner, product manager at Roche CH. Pharmaceutical companies increasingly seek to combine their own data with as many sources of information available to optimize the design and performance of their clinical studies.

In this presentation, Ramón and Gaertner will show the value of combining internal and external data sources, as well as a concrete example of use. This is a great opportunity to see the application of data in a real-world context.

Session 4: Real World Data 2:45 p.m.

Data Management in the Real World: Where Are We in 2022?
Continue your real-world data discussions with a presentation by Charles-Louis Wang, director of the global real world data management team at IQVIA. Wang will review some rising trends in real-world data management along with some challenges that face CROs and other leaders in the pharmaceutical industry. This presentation leads into an afternoon networking break.

Session 5: Direct to Patient 4:45 p.m.

Bonus: Round Table Discussion With the Day’s Speakers
End the day with a round-table discussion that touches on all of the previous topics and sessions. While it’s useful to isolate specific elements of the data management process in clinical trials, this discussion will bring everything together to look at the big picture. After the session, this is also a good opportunity to ask questions of the panelists and talk to other attendees before the conference concludes.

Look for Anju at the DMB Conference
Anju is a proud Platinum sponsor of the annual DMB Conference by the French Association of Biomedical Data Management in Paris. Make sure to visit the Anju booth in the Honnorat room to learn more about our eClinical and Data Science solutions to optimize and accelerate the execution and management of your (decentralized) clinical trials. We look forward to seeing you there.

Images by: neirfy/©, ljupco/©

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